RandomCrazyNews #3 12/9/20 Not much happened in October and November of this year compared to a crazy month like June, but there were a few notable announcements and events. October 9th marked what we consider our YouTube channel's 3-year anniversary, which also brought with it the anniversary of the company as well. We reflected on this nicely in an Instagram post from the day of. To celebrate this, Owen Barb, Andrew Sadecki, and Kya Barb all participated in an interesting live event. This packed with it an award show for every one of our years active, multiple musical acts, and some guest character appearances. The event spanned about an hour long, and can be found on our IGTV on YouTube. We also began our bloopers trilogy for "The Legend of the Diehards", and as of December 2nd, all are released. These were slightly unique takes on the blooper reels, seeing as we teased the next reel's release date at the end and made it a fun little puzzle. It's pretty doubt...